If you are searching 'Faouzia - 100 Band-Aids (Stripped) Lyrics' then you are on the right article.
Faouzia's "100 Band-Aids" (Stripped) Lyrics
Check out the song lyrics of "100 Band-Aids (Stripped)" by 'Faouzia'
I don't wanna be
The bearer of bad news
'Cause it breaks my heart
To break yours in two
I don't wanna be
The one to make you cry
And I don't wanna see
Your tears fall on your sweater
In this Gemini weather
But what else can I do?
Nothing else to lose
You can scream in anger
I know it don't make it all better
But what else can I do?
Here's a hundred bandaids
To patch up your heartache
What else can I do?
What else can I do?
You can scream in anger
I know it don't make it all better
I know it don't make it all better
Getting flashbacks now
Of that December night
Sweet memories
Are turning vile
I don't wanna be
The one to make you cry
I don't wanna see
Your tears fall on your sweater
In this Gemini weather
But what else can I do?
Nothing else to lose
You can scream in anger
I know it don't make it all better
But what else can I do?
Here's a hundred bandaids
To patch up your heartache
What else can I do?
What else can I do?
You can scream in anger
I know it don't make it all better
I know it don't make it all better
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