If you are searching 'Dax - GRINCH Lyrics' then you are on the right article.
Check out the Dax's "GRINCH" song lyrics.
first off fuck santa claus he eint never done shit for a nigga like me
people been hating on me since I was like three just because I was different and my skin was light green hating and spreading rumors all over IG
IC them coming for everything that IB
trolling hard and making fun of my teeth, my skin, my hair, and the fucking way I speak was the night before Christmas, all through the house
I sat in my room alone with no spouse scrolling my phone
comparing myself to people who don’t put no food in my mouth
looking around jerking off to bella thornes only fans account
while scheming the system and faking depression so I can get rich just to double my clout i’m tired of christmas I don’t want a PRESENT can’t wait for the FUTURE i’m done the PAST i’m fucking up santa on sight if I see him i’m punching his belly and kicking his ass RUDOLPH can get it that RED on his NOSE a get put on his HEAD if he’s TALKING that TRASH
santa gon’ think i’m a psycho
i’m DUNKING these cookies like MICHEAL
i’m fucking ms. claus then I’m posting the vid so your HOE HOE HOE is viral
life is viscous cycle karma comes around and bites you this for everybody who was mean and bullied me down in whoville back in highschool
My hams greens with the eggs and steak
i MAX out on my DOG I’m scamming unemployment out in several states
i DRIVE STICK I don’t need a SLEIGH
need NO HOOKS cause I’ve MASTERED BAIT (masturbate)
i’m so good even Santa plays this song on Christmas
no hands when I’m taking a piss
no condom when i’m fucking ya bitch
i don’t need FIRE to heat to my crib you dumb fuck i’m already LIT
and the only time you’ll ever RAP better is when you wRAPPING CHRISTMAS GIFTS
i wanna know if you're naughty or nice
i bet you pray on the downfall of others like me whenever you sleep at night
fuck this society everyone acts like they’re perfect while judging another’s life you don’t qualify to judge on what is wrong from right
i’m bout to THROW massive fit
a PUNCH i don’t care if you’re a pacifist (pass A fist) I’ll PASS THIS FIST like a perfect STEVE NASH PASS ASSIST
you straight ASS all you PASS is GAS
and if you do the math you’ll never be HALF of HALF what my ACTIVE IS
i’m CAPtaning you CAP that's a asterisks to say you should never try to be an ACTIVIST
let me explain my pain and why i’m going insane
and why ya negativity energy’s penetrating my brain I gotta fettish for dead ish I’ll JJ REDDISH ya face for speaking PLETHORIC RHETORIC on a veterans name
don’t ever speak on my GREEN unless its MONEY i've made
and if you do it a g g gain ima k k k k k k k k kick in ya face
then take my body builder body run and pick the pace back to my cave up the mountain where I’ll kick up legs
i know you’re sick of how I innovate
santa has been jealous looking for ways to eliminate you can (S)UCK (T)HIS (D)ICK STD if you abbreviate deviate abracadabra you keep on talking you’ll disintegrate I’m dissing-the-great (dis-in-te-grate)
chimney sliding milk cookie diving sleigh driving elf and high fiving jolly fat smiling guy that rides private without no license
G R I N C H I’m all green not clean spray me with lysol
i’m depressed that’s ok I take drugs to
to pick me up like ground balls
you can tell by my I eyeballs
i self loath so much I might call
1-800-got-junk and tell them I think suicidal and if they don’t pick up i’ll kill myself and then i’ll go viral and tell God we need a Grinch chapter in next years new age Bible
then get spiteful, look at earth and see all of my haters living life so seek revival and kill them and all their friends on my arrival...
And once I arrive you should pray I decide not to come for your neck, do not be cordial and smile in face you’re a snake And I've heard all the lies that you’ve spread
Do not say sorry or act like you made a mistake and pretend that you want to friends cause now it’s too late and the words that you’ve said are words that have driven me over the edge
Now I see red
Now I see bullets in unison traveling straight to your head
Now I see people in pain their emotions are withering hanging on just by a thread
You should of left me alone the unknown was the thrill you were searching for but now instead I’m lyrically piercing your flesh for that thrill and I’ll do it again and again and again
Look in mirror there is no reflection cause you’re getting sick
You hate on everyone you selfish narcissistic fucking prick
You’ve destroyed me with your words I might just cut off both your lips
And then go trans and cut my shit if it means having you’ll get off my dick...
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